Tuesday 24 January 2012

Planning for the new idea

We began to plan a new story board with chloe. To make the planning shorter, we decided to use the same ideas as we did in the first plan.

Filming day 1 - The first day of filming we decided to go to the windmills. For this scene we decided that we want to have some non singing shots us on the hills. This to help us relate to the characters emotions. It will be cold, windy and bare up there, so this will add to the effect of showing the characters emotions.

Filming day 2 - We planned that we want to have shots of Chloe singing in a bedroom. Melissa kindly said we could use her home for this location. This was a great, easy and reliable location, giving us a good oppotunity to have some singing shots, including the  narritive.

Filming day 3 - This day we will be going to towneley and re filming the shots with chloe. This was an easy session as we had once before already filmed these shots. But it gave us more time to film  variety of mise-en-scene for our music video.

Filming Day 4 - The last filming will be a ''on the stage'' performance. Will have decided that chloe will play the guitar whilst singing to an audience. This will sum up our music video.

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