Tuesday 24 January 2012

Filming Day One - Windturbines

As we planned on filming day one we went to the windturbines. The windturbines are situated outside of town, with lands of grassy land surrounding them. As we wanted it to be, it was a cold, windy day and the wind turbines were fully functional. We filmed all non-singing shots, allowing us to show that the character is reminising on old memories, and that the location she is in are bringing good thoughts back. However, we decided that we wanted to film this shot with sadness as it is a missing piece of her that has gone.

We used different angles whilst filming this day. It gave us a good combination on the surrounding environment and a variety of shots to choose from when editing.

Whilst filming this we got ideas from the song lyrics. For example in the song there are lyrics that say ''Wake up to you face against the morning sun''. Well, at this time the sun was beautifully setting, so we decided to film the sun setting over the shoulder of Chloe.

As time wwent on it started to become to dark to film. However on the way back home we drove on the hills and noticed that all the town lights had turned on. We thought that this would be a good shot to film for the video before it become any darker, therefore did a over shoulder shot. We thought that this shot would go well with the songs narrative, as she is looking over the town, knowing 'he' is out there somewhere.

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