Saturday 28 January 2012

Filming Day Two - In the Home Shots

Today we went to Melissa's home to film the shots in her sisters bedroom. We filmed these shots for the narrative part of the music video. This was the character in her bedroom, looking at a picture of the two in her bedroom.

To try and get the synching correct, we played the cover on a laptop and chloe mimed the words. However, we found this did not go to well, sometimes it showed chloe over acting whilst singing, so we decided to only use little of these clips. Also whilst filming, Chloe decided to look into the camera to sing to the audience. We thought this was good because in many music videos we see the artist looking into the camera. We gave Chloe a picture to hold. We thought that we could use this picture to symbolise the pain of not having ''him'' there anymore, and she is reminising on the good times they had together.

Whilst filming we positioned the camera in different spaces around the bed to have different angles and lighting. This also gave us more to work off when editing.

We also had the opotunity to film in Melissa's neighbours back garden. The garden view is made up of acres of fields and sheep. We all agreed that this view would work beautifully for our video.
The only problems we had with this, was the neighbours dog, and chleo getting distracted from singing. So we are not sure if we can get clips from the clips, however if we can we will because the more shots we have the better it is.

Overall this session was useful, and gave us more footage to edit. However, due to Chloe not learning the lyrics from beginning to end, and over acting, especially whilst singing the lyrics she did not learn, we could not use these clips in the music video as it makes it look unrealistic. So, because of this, n filming day three we need to try and have as many different clips as possible to give us more scenes, and before we do we needs to make sure chloe knows all the lyrics this time.

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