Saturday 28 January 2012

Filming Day Three - On the way back locations

On the way back from the bridal shop, Melissa's mum asked us if there is anywhere we would like to visit? We all agreed that seen as the whether has calmed down and we are getting the opotunity, we will take it. So we brainstormed locations we could visist.

 Seen as it was the festive month, there were many Christmas lights and trees that decorated the side of the roads,pubs,bnb's and homes. It was suggested that we could film besides a large Christmas Tree, decorated with colourful lights. On the way we drove past a local sunday school building that looked like a church, and with us just been filming outside a bridal shop, we thought when editing we could add it to part of the narrative. The more we have the better it is for the all of us.  So we filmed Chloe walking from the doors to the camera. We did this twice, once when she did not sing and again when she did sing. When watching this back we noticed that the camera footage is not at its best quality with it being dark, so it may be best not to use the footage singing, but we may be able to use the footage without lip synching. We decided that as the scene finnished we could pan the camera so it works better for the next transition we use when editing.
When we got to the christmas tree, we did film around it however, it was not a good location to film as it was not to roomy for different angles, and it was not a place public would way by. It was situated in the corner of two walls in a park. We are not sure if this footage would work well in the music video.

However we filmed Chloe siting on the swing set alone, depending on the lights from the road side to gave us as much light as possible. Again, with this footage being a little unrealistic, dark and random. But we will see what we can do whilst editing.

Overal today has been successful as we have LOTS of footage to work from, with using so many locations and areas of lancashire. We are really happy with what we have and hoping for the best when editing, but as a whole we are feeling rather confident. Although a lot of our work today had been improved, we are still happy.

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