Saturday 28 January 2012

Filming Day Three - Bridal Shop

Melissa's mum picked us up from Towneley Hall when we had finnished and suggested that we could film outside a bridal shop. This could add to our narrative. Is Chloe engaged? Did she marry? Was it just a dream? So as we had the transport we all got warm in the car and drove to the location.

The Bridal Shop we went to film

 Me and Melissa decided to stand on the other side of the road to film. We had a little trouble filming this scene because it was tea time - meaning we had lots of traffic to work around. It seemed like a naturally busy road. Where me and Melissa situated the camera, other people at the side of us looked to have been working on the building we were outside of, therefore this was trouble tackling with filming and trying not to get in the way. Along side of all this, it was really dark and only had the street lights and shop lights to depend on for the camera.
 Whilst filming we zoomed in and zoomed out, along with a pan up to show the wedding dress in the top window and another idea was to shoot Chloe looking in the window, and them walking away.
Its a possiblilty that we could use this footage, however we neeed to annalyse it properly and see if we can fit it into the music video whilst editing. 

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