Friday 17 February 2012

Promotional Package Set #2 Poster - Idea 2

We decided to have a black background poster because it did not look right with the whole page being Chloes face. By looking at how actual posters work, they have the Album name again in a bigger font than the rest of the poster. They insert the CD Cover onto the poster either next to or under another picture of the artist or band, we decided to use it as it as a centre piece, something to catch the audiences attention. The repeating of the name Changes allows the audience to remember what the album is called. By adding Two Awarding Winning Singles, boosts the success of the artist and the album. The star rating also allows the audience to see that professionals have listened and rated the Album to boost its potential.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is almost finished.
    You need to have a post showing your final versions of your video, poster & digipack for the examiner.
    So far the video has some issues, but would sit at level 3.
    The digipack and poster are probably level 4.
    However you need to have separare posts addressing the the evaluation questions - this is a major omission.
    Your research and planning posts seem jumbled up, as if you went off location hunting first before you even looked into the music industry and analysed videos and dtp work...
    Some sorting out needs to be done.
