Wednesday 8 February 2012

Promotional Package set #1 - CD Cover and Inserts Idea 1

As we were using the idea of Adele, we decided that we will choose one of the pictures from the new photoshoot and turn it black and white.

The photo below is what we have created and now ready to be made Black and White.

Using the programme 'Adobe Photoshop CS4', we created this picture. The instructions on how to use this programme is rather simple. This is step by step on how we created the picture:

1. Select the picture we wanted to use.
2. Double Click the picture.
3. Change the picture to a Layer.

Layers allow you to move the image onto a different background. After this we then added the Black and White effect. As you can see down in the right bottom corner, the panel is indicated Layers and Paths, this allows us to use the layers to edit which layer comes first and which effect is on which image. We had a bit of experimenting with the effects we could use and found Neon Glow was very effective as a front cover feature for the design.

To apply the neon glow here are the steps we followed;

1. Filter
2.Artisitc/Neon Glow
3. In the new opened window adjust the settings of the Neon Glow.

With this setting we can choose how much we want when designing the picture with the glow. We get to change the brightness and the photo's original colour. However we did not use this too much as we are having our photo's Black and White.

After we had chosen the Neon Glow effect this is our outcome.  For the front CD Cover we have to make this picture fit the size requirments for the CD Cover/Inserts, so we have to move this to a blank CD Cover sized canvas/picture document and continue editing from there.

As you can see, on the right of the picture he arm looks deformed and it does not look very neat and tidy. So we used the cropping tool and removed this side of the picture. For the rest of the picture we used the cloning tool. This is the final picture;

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