Saturday 11 February 2012

Inserts for the CD Cover

Below is another image we are working on. We taken this picture and found an effect called Diffuse Glow and like it on our picture.

Below shows how you can choose the Glow amount, how much the glow exceeds and the clear amount is how much the glow can streach across.

However, adter adding this glow we found it was too much and didnt look right on a darker background. So we decided to crop the extra glow off the picture which caused more problems. It ended up getting rid the the majority of the picture causing chloe to look abnormal.

Poppy Insert

The picture before is the one we used for the Poppy. We cropped the poppy out the picture so we could edit in on our own background.

This is the cropped picture which we turned into a PNG.

This is the CD Insert we created.We chosen a blue background to make the poppies stand out as well as the title and we layered the poppies. The title 'Outback' will be a curve for the CD, we thought this was a good effect, it was something to fill empty space and not make it look too crowded.

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