Friday 7 October 2011

CD Covers - Good.

In this session i looked on the internet and researched many Covers artists of different genre of music use. I noticed that Colour has a huge impact when it comes to the different genres of music. Here are a few covers i looked at;

Genre - Pop, Pop Rock

Demi Lovato - Don't Forget

Demi has used Two colours Red and black for the writting and one picture of herself alone. As you can see she has used a guitar as a prop in this photograph with connects with her genre of 'Rock'. She has chosen to wear plan clothes that are both 'Rock and Pop'. The colours she has chosen are mixed and create a good sence of the type of music she has written. This cover is fantastic for the genre she used.

Genre - Alternative Rock, emo, pop punk

Paramore - Riot

Paramore have a mixed genre of music on thier album 'Riot'. Again, same as Demi Lovato they have only used two colours of the same 'Red and Black' theme, however they have no pictures of the band on the cover. This cover gives all a mix of rock and emo. The word 'Riot' itself shows something that is disturbed - this could be emo, also Rock. The way the word is repeared in all directions of the cover can be the punk side of things.

Genre - Country   

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a country singer. In her cover she is looking beautiful and posing with a guitar. This guitar instantly shows the viewer that she plays a acoustic guitar and sings. It looks to be in a home environment as we can see the lamp. Home symbolizes close to the heart. Theres no place like home. So it shows that the songs in this album have come from her heart. Overal this cover if a nice cover and is excellent to show the audience that she plays the guitar. However it does not show them that the album is country related.

Genre - Hip Hop

Styles P - Super Gangster

This is a good 'Hip hop' cover as it shows in the mise'en'scene. He is dressed in a cap, hoodie and has the streets of america behind him. This shows a sense of being street wise and just being plain ganster. This is a fantastic way to represent hip hop and rap music.

Genre- Southern rock, alternative rock, garage rock revival

Kings of Leon - Only By Night

I think for this CD cover, kings of leon has concentrated more on matching the design with the name of the album cover more than they have matching it with thier genre of music. As we can see they have used a part of all four band members face plus using an owl. Owls are nocturnal animals and come out at night. Hence the album name 'Only By The Night'. They have used one basic cover to fill the picture. It is dark, which also matches the theme of 'night time'.

Genre - Pop rock, dance pop, electropop

Selena Gomez - When The Sun Goes Down

Selena Gomez here has embrassed the look of all the genres. I think that there is an element of all Pop rock, dance pop, electropop in this album cover. She has used very light colours and nothing too bright. Although there is a hint of femininity within the picture with the colours Pink.

Genre - Souls, blues, pop

Adele - 21

As we have chosen an Adele song to use for the music video we think that this is the best inspiring CD cover we can work off. Adele is very soulful and sings beautiful songs about how life can effect one another and how people feel. As we can view from the Cover, adele has used a very basic black and white theme with just a dingle picture of herself in it. I think this is excellent for us to use as insiration as it is not too bright, colourful or over done and is not too heavy.

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