Tuesday 4 October 2011

Music Video Production

Music Terms & studying music videos

1.) What use do you think the lyrics are put to when making a video?

They share the message/song meaning to the audience. They help the audience understand what the song is about. Lyrics can also be catchy, so if the audience catches onto the lyrics the song, it will become more listened to and share amongst others, therefore become popular.

2.) Narrative & Performance: How important is the narrative to the pop video? What relevance is the performance aspect of the pop video?

The narrative engages the audience, and keeps them watching the video. It also allows the artist to show off their talent and/or the talent of other people on the screen making it more engaging, interesting and entertaining.

3.) Star Image: How important do you think the star image is in respect to a pop video's success?

Star image is extreamley important during a music video. we as an audience watch the vidoes to see the star, we want to seem them in different styles of videos, allow us to see the development of an artist, to see their
.Dress code
.See different things from that artist
.new and different styles of videos to their new material

4.) Visuals to Songs:

A.) What is Illustration in terms of a pop video?

It's to tell a story to the audience. It can create an emotional reaction upon the audience as it is something they can relate to.
B.) And what is Amplification in terms of a pop video?

To exaggerate the lyrics, e.g. taking gigantic steps, this is applied through the editing process, where sections of a take are taken out to show a person for example walking down a corridor at different times, without it taking up all of the time it took to walk down the corridor, speeding up the process to move on with the narrative.

C.) What is disjunture and is it a good idea to use it in a pop video?

It is where part of the visual/narrative as no relation to the video/lyrics but makes for a fun/qurky video, which can catch an audience out as well as keeping them interested.

5.) Technical Aspects

A.) What is meant by the term "Speed!" in relation to pop videos? Give Examples of their use.

It is the cutting rate within the video, within the editing proccess how long one piece of footage is to another. Usually pop vidoes are fast paced, with their up beat sound. So the cutting rate is important to keep the audience watching as you dont want to keep on the same camera angle and the same scene/narrative/performance for too long, as this will become boring and less engaging.

B.) What is Meat! in relation to a video?

These are close ups on the face, mainly on the artist/band members, to see emotion and to give variety of camera angles as well as to engage an audience through narrative and performance.

C.) How are Beats! used in a video?

These are used when actions are cut to a beat, for example, where an action that the artist/actor does within the video goes with the beat of the song, or with to cut each frame to the beat to the song. Overall actions through editing or visual on screen to the beat of the song.

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