Friday 17 February 2012

Promotional Package Set #2 Poster - Idea 2

We decided to have a black background poster because it did not look right with the whole page being Chloes face. By looking at how actual posters work, they have the Album name again in a bigger font than the rest of the poster. They insert the CD Cover onto the poster either next to or under another picture of the artist or band, we decided to use it as it as a centre piece, something to catch the audiences attention. The repeating of the name Changes allows the audience to remember what the album is called. By adding Two Awarding Winning Singles, boosts the success of the artist and the album. The star rating also allows the audience to see that professionals have listened and rated the Album to boost its potential.

Asking For Feedback

Chloe has an account on DeviantART, so she asked for feedback on there..

Youtube Feedback For Final Cut

We recieved two coments on our music video which we posted onto Youtube.

The first Comment Says:

''I really like the b/w shots they were most powerful. Like the shot of you looking wistfully out the window while you're riding in the car? Great shot. The voice was a bit out of synch with the music in some parts and, as you said, you were a bit dramatic with the emphasis of certain lyrics (this made the infrequent parts where you were out of synch more noticeable). But other than those few things i thought it was great. You did a wonderful job of illistraiting the emotion of the song.''

The second Comment says;

''It's a very pretty song. A very nice singing voice.I like the guitar being the main instrument. It was soothing. I liked the black and white effects in the song. The singing and vid was a bit out of sync. But all in all, it was nice :)''

Uploaded Final Cut of Music Video to Youtube

CD Record Label

Below is the Record Label we created. We didn't want it to be too bright because of the CD cover we created. Because we used the colour black meaning it's dark, we didn't want to attract the audience to the label more than the Cover. So because of this we used a lighter colour. We chosen the 'Plastic Wrapping' text for the effect, I edited  3D effect. To make it stand out a little more I moved the text lettering a bit out of the embedded effect that made the Plastic Wrapping effect around the letters. 

New Version Of The Back Of The CD digipack

We used the exact same background of the front cover but we did not include the picture of Chloe. We Added the list of Tracks down the left hand side in the same font as before.

New Version Of The Front Of The CD digipack

Thinking back on the Feedback we recieved for the front cover of the CD cover, we all brainstormed different ways in which we can make it look more appealing and presentable for the Cover. We looked back on the Adele designs, after doing this we decided it would be good to aim for a black and white style design. We picked a photo from the second photoshoot and cropped the picture of Chloe out using the magic tool and lasso tool so it allowed us to copy it onto a different background we will create.
The Picture Used
We made the picture black and white and adjusted the Brightness and Contrast that help with making it look brighter, which is what Adele's cover does trying to not to make the photo look lost or too blended into the background.

We added a lighting effect to the background to make it look asif the picture had been taken under a spot light. These are the intstructions to add the effect;
. Filter
.Lighting Effect

We Also added the text at the side of the picture of Chloe so it is clear, noticable and not messy.

Promotional Package Set #2 Poster/Magazine Idea 1

Below is the first idea for the poster.
This is the feedback we recieved;
1). The background would need changing.
2). Font colour and size as some aspects of the poster dominate other parts of the poster.
3). The album cover will have to be bigger and more of a central.
4). Keeping the star rating and maybe have some comments would make this look better.
 We are going to aim for a black background and a black and white picture of Chloe, keeping with the style of Adele.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Inserts for the CD Cover

Below is another image we are working on. We taken this picture and found an effect called Diffuse Glow and like it on our picture.

Below shows how you can choose the Glow amount, how much the glow exceeds and the clear amount is how much the glow can streach across.

However, adter adding this glow we found it was too much and didnt look right on a darker background. So we decided to crop the extra glow off the picture which caused more problems. It ended up getting rid the the majority of the picture causing chloe to look abnormal.

Poppy Insert

The picture before is the one we used for the Poppy. We cropped the poppy out the picture so we could edit in on our own background.

This is the cropped picture which we turned into a PNG.

This is the CD Insert we created.We chosen a blue background to make the poppies stand out as well as the title and we layered the poppies. The title 'Outback' will be a curve for the CD, we thought this was a good effect, it was something to fill empty space and not make it look too crowded.

Back of the CD Cover - Experimenting

We decided to experiment with the back CD cover. We also used a print screen from the our music video of me playing the guitar. . We used the blur tool to soften the edges.

Back Of CD Cover

As we need to change the front cover we did not carry out a design as yet for the back of the CD. So instead we just created a track list. The font used for the numbers is a font called "The Last Font I'm wasting on you" and the font for the track list is called "Poor Richard" which made a nice variety in the design, they go well together.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Feedback From The First CD Cover Idea.

After recieving feedback for the design we did last session it taught us many things we need to learn. Here are a few points we got told we need to change;

1. The picture blends in with the background
2. The writing at the top wouldnt be on the front cover of a CD
3. The Cover itself is too dull.
4.  We need to make the text more clear.

As we found it difficult to change some of these points on the editing programme, we looked back on Adeles photos and noticed that she used a Black Background rather than a grey one, and the picture does not blend. Also, the names of her Album and her own name are large and clear. Through this feedback we can improve and know what appeals more to an audience and make it look more proffesional.

Creating a Front CD Cover - Version 1

Here is the first idea for the CD Cover. "Treasure". We decided we wanted to use this dark red colour as it symbolizes the heart ache and goes well with the Black and White theme. We added Chloe's name on the cover, it a signature style of hanswriting. We also used a sepia effect on the CD to give it some more colour.

After we did this we changed the Name of the Album from ''Tresure'' to ''Outback'' and also changed the font of the title.

Promotional Package set #1 - CD Cover and Inserts Idea 1

As we were using the idea of Adele, we decided that we will choose one of the pictures from the new photoshoot and turn it black and white.

The photo below is what we have created and now ready to be made Black and White.

Using the programme 'Adobe Photoshop CS4', we created this picture. The instructions on how to use this programme is rather simple. This is step by step on how we created the picture:

1. Select the picture we wanted to use.
2. Double Click the picture.
3. Change the picture to a Layer.

Layers allow you to move the image onto a different background. After this we then added the Black and White effect. As you can see down in the right bottom corner, the panel is indicated Layers and Paths, this allows us to use the layers to edit which layer comes first and which effect is on which image. We had a bit of experimenting with the effects we could use and found Neon Glow was very effective as a front cover feature for the design.

To apply the neon glow here are the steps we followed;

1. Filter
2.Artisitc/Neon Glow
3. In the new opened window adjust the settings of the Neon Glow.

With this setting we can choose how much we want when designing the picture with the glow. We get to change the brightness and the photo's original colour. However we did not use this too much as we are having our photo's Black and White.

After we had chosen the Neon Glow effect this is our outcome.  For the front CD Cover we have to make this picture fit the size requirments for the CD Cover/Inserts, so we have to move this to a blank CD Cover sized canvas/picture document and continue editing from there.

As you can see, on the right of the picture he arm looks deformed and it does not look very neat and tidy. So we used the cropping tool and removed this side of the picture. For the rest of the picture we used the cloning tool. This is the final picture;

Tuesday 7 February 2012

New Photoshoot

So after looking at Adele's pictures we decided to change Chloes make up completly and do it simular to Adele.

These are the new pictures we now have to work with;

Adele Photoshoot Covers

Because we could not use any of the first pictures that Chloe taken, we researched Adele and her photoshoots. This is what we found;

As you can see all Adele's pictures are Close ups on the face and are Black and White.

So in the discussion we had, we decided that we will not need to worry too much on the mise-en-scene and the clothes chlow is wearing. All we need to concentrate on is not having her make-up so dark like the first time around and make it a lot lighter and more natural on her face.

Photoshoot planning

We all decided that chloe should wear something Floral. Like a summery dress. Also for the mise-en-scene we decided to use somewhere we had filmed the music video. So because of this we thought it would be a great idea to use Towneley Hall for the photoshoot.



However, whilst talking about this, Melissa reminded us that it is Adele that  we are inspiring to be like. So we should check out what her pictures and photoshoots for her covers look like. 

Photoshoot One Discussion

After looking at the pictures as a group we noticed a few problems with using the pictures.
Chloe had used heavy make up for the photoshoot. A lot of black had been used. We also noticed that she is only wearing a black dress. Making the pictures even darker. She also posed on a sheet. This sheet has creeses in it and down not give the impression of a blank background as Chloe was hoping for. Although these are great pictures, i personally would use these pictures for a music genre such as; Emo and gothic.

So this time we planned the photoshoot.

Photoshoot - Shoot One.

Because we are getting really busy with not only Media, but with other subjects too. It was difficult to meet up together. However the photos needed doing and editing. So because of this Chloe kindly taken the camera home with her and volunteered to take the pictures herself with a friend.

These are the photos that Chloe had taken;

Poster for soundtrack

After researching many album covers and choosing Adele for our inspiration, we now look at posters that have been used to advertise new songs. i know i have already looked at some and viewed many designs, i think it will now look at different posters for different genres.

Hip Hop Poster

This hip hop poster uses a font that is used within the hip hop industy therefore suites it well. They colours Blue and yellow are a good theme thoughout this design and work well and all match one another, giving the poster a balenced effect.

I don't think that we will be using this theme as the poster we will be designing a poster for a female soulful singer.

Rock Poster - New order

They have used a very plain colour for this poster and using all the pictures from thier Album covers. They have printed thier band name is a large font so it stands out from the rest, also making the 'N' and 'O' bold and stand out more. I would not say this poster is very attractive but, i think we should also use a large font, but for the name of the album, not the name of our artist.

Next Part Of The Exam

For the other part of the exam we have to create a digi pack for our music video. This needs to include;
. CD Cover
. CD Back
. Inside Cover Photo's
. Promotional Poster

I have already reseached some posters and CD covers for our design, however because we now have a complete music video, for this i will research more artists CD covers, photo shoots and check out some advertising posters on both the internet and my magazines. This will show me what is expected of a music advertisment and help us all as a group come up with ideas for what we need to complete this task.

Youtube Feedback For First Edit

I believe that feedback from Youtube is the best type of feedback you can get. I think this because it comes from other people from other countries, ethnic backgrounds and tastes. On social networking sites such as facebook, it is friends tat comment on the video therefore can be biased opinions, therefore we will not recieve the best feedback you can get. So by posting it on Youtube we can get a honest and critical opinion on what people think of the video we have created.

We were happy to read this comment on the video. The viewer says that ''The images and the song itself were lovley''. We were happy to read this because it shows that the work we have done is coming across nicely and we are heading in the right direction with what we are doing. We also accept the other point they made about the lip synching being out of place. So because of this we will go over the rough bits and smooth them over.

Hopefully over time we will recieve more coments and critisim about the video so we can make it to the needs of our viewers.

Facebook Feedback For First Edit

We alrady noticed that in some of Chloes singing clips her movement was over done and was dramatic, but because of this feedback we we noticed other clips that that over done with extream action for such a soft song. This encouraged us to carry on and improve this video we have already created and hope that our audience prefere the new version we will create.

First Cut Of The Music Video

We have filled up all the gaps in the timeline and now have a final version of the first copy of our music video. We want to know what people think of this so we posted it online. We posted it on Youtube and also on two social network sites;
. Twitter
. Facebook