Sunday 4 December 2011

Problems we have with Chloe being the main person.

The problem with Chloe being the main person is that she is no professional singer. So the problem now was getting a Track we could use for Chloe.

However after having a chat, i soon came up with the idea of using the same method we had used for 'Do Wah Diddy' - Go onto youtube and ask people is we can use there cover.

THIS WAS SUCCESSFUL! - Within an hour we had many replies saying yes!

1 1/2 weeks later...

We still have not got a filming session with Kerrie. This was setting off the red alarms and we need to think of something Urgent soon! So we cam up with an idea. Seen as we only have very little filming with Kerrie, it is possible to repeat that footage with another person who has time on there hands and film for us! So me and Melissa had a discussion and suggested it would be great if Chloe could be the main singer for us as;
              1. She is confident    2. Enjoys Music    3. Reliable    4. Got time on her hands

So we mentioned this to Chloe and she was over the moon that me and Melissa suggested this to her.

What we have so far, editing screenshots.

The weather was a little breezy and the season is perfect with the falling of the leaves, shows as a connotation of the couples love dying and gives a sense of meloncoly.

Here we have zoomed in on Kerry from a distance as we have set the camera from a distance at the beginning of a path. The zoom on Kerry looks really good as we havent got the camera in front of her face and allows us to zoom out and track her without having to have the camera hand held.

We have two different shots of Kerry walking along the pond. We have panned down on Kerry to show her reflection in the pond and then she walks along the pond in which we cut to a close up of her feet walking along and back to the reflection of her walking. I got the idea of the close up of her feet walking along the pond from the music video My Immortal by Evanescence. (Insert gif here of that part of the video)

Here we got the idea that we will shoot this agian and have her and her boyfriends reflection and he will go out of shot and we will disolve this to show that he as faded away, he isnt there anymore.

Progress from first day of filming.

It has been some time since we last filmed with Kerrie, this mainly due to us not having time free when we can all meet up. This was starting to become a problem. We suggested filming on the weekend however Kerrie has gigs on the weekend and can not film with us. Our college frees are all different too! So we will continue trying to get time when we can film together.

Day 1 - operation film Adele

For the first filming day, we decided to go to Towneley Park. So the three of is went together and filmed Kerrie. I thought that day went really well and we gatherd some really footage.

We filmed her on a bench, this so we could cross fade the boy in and out, we filmed her strolling on her own, many angle shots and some really good close ups!

We got all this footage uploaded onto the computer and edited on the program. So far we was all happy with the footage we have, but now need more.

Simular Artists to Adele

Amy Jade Winehouse (born 14 September 1983 in Southgate, London, died 23 July 2011 in Camden, London) was an English singer and composer, known for her eclectic mix of various musical genres including soul, jazz, rock 'n' roll and Rhythm and Blues.

 Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), known by her stage name, Rihanna, is a Bajan singer. Her song Umbrella was one of the highest-selling songs of 2007 and her 3rd album Good Girl Gone Bad was critically acclaimed, helping propel her to superstar status

Katy Perry (born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson on 25 October 1984) is a singer/songwriter from Santa Barbara, California, United States. Since the release of her 2007 debut single "Ur So Gay", Perry has released two albums - 2008's "One of the Boys" and 2010's "Teenage Dream" - and has had six Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit singles.


 Jessie J is a pseudonym of, at least, two artists: 1. A singer songwriter from the United Kingdom 2. A rapper from the United States

There are several artists who go by the name “Duffy”. The most notable of these is Welsh singer-songwriter Duffy (born Aimée Ann Duffy ).                                           

Florence + the Machine formed in 2007 in London, England, United Kingdom. The band is the recording name of singer/songwriter Florence Welch and a collaboration of other artists who provide backing music for her; Florence Welch is the band's only constant member.                                           

Research on CD Covers and Promo - magazines and posters

Album Cover

Someone like you video

Top Brand Magazine photoshoots with Adele!

All these different types of Magazines give us inspiration for when it comes to our photoshoot. I love the different types of photo editing they have used.

Permission To Use The Adele Covers On Youtube

We decided to do the simular thing to what we had done with the Do Wah Diddy Cover. We wanted to use a cover off Youtube, so Melissa messaged a couple of the Youtube Uses we liked and asked for Permission to use thier cover.

Here are Print screens of the replies we had;

1). ''Hello! Thanks for liking my cover. You could deffinatly use my version. let me know when the music video is done! I'd like to see it. Good Luck with it :)) Natalia.''

2). ''Of course I'm ok with that. Thank you for liking my cover so much :) Just out of curiosity, what is the topic of your presentation?''

3). ''Of Course! Thankyou for your kind words :)''

The Lyrics - Adele - Hiding My Heart

Hiding My Heart Away

So this is how the story went
I met someone by accident
who blew me away
who blew me away

It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away

And I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
you'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I dropped you off at the train station
And put a kiss on top of your head
I watched you wave
I watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call that home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away

I woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And though I wish that you were here
On that same old road that brought me here
Is calling me home
Is calling me home

I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear someday
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart

Change of plan

A few weeks had gone by now, and we still had very little progress, this became a worry as our deadline was becoming closer and closer. So after a long discussion we decided to scrap the idea of ''Do Wah Diddy''. This was a hard decision as we tried our hardest to complete this task, but like we discussed, it is to much effort and we expected ourselves to do so much, in such little time.
We discussed that is would be a lot more suitable to pick a track with less singers in it, or possibly a solo artist. This meaning, we would only have to find one reliable performer, and not a band full of people.

We have changed it to Adele - Hiding my heart, which is possible as we only need two characters - a boy and a girl.

We asked around to singers in our Sixth Form, and Melissa was a personal friend of Kerry, a girl who was enthusiastic about the whole idea of a music video and was interested in our project. So after speaking to her, she was more than happy to help us, as it would also benifit her too!

Listening to the song, we plan to take the narrative to help us create a picture on what we want for the music video.

Fields - we brainstormed many locations we would like for our music video, but we all agreed to film the video on the moors, these moors include wind turnbinds which we agreed would create a nice affect in the background, with it being windy there to, it would create a beautiful effect of a breezy place, for a lonley female walking on her own. For this scene, it would be nice for Kerry to wear, a knitted cardigan, leggings and brown boots.

Melissa's House - She has a spare bedroom that can be used as Kerries bedroom and to be used for memories and the cross fading effect when in the lyrics she sings about him not being there.With this we planned that we want a male to be there then fade away. So to do this we plan to film a boy in the same place, then on the editing program cross fade him in and out.

Train platform - This will be used when she see's her boyfriend off the platform.

Dark room - This will be used for the performance element where she will be sat on a high stool, playing acoustic guitar, possibly miming the song.

We will be colour coding the music video with Black and White for memories and Colour for the present.

A friend of Gaynors called Jason is playing the male character and is also ethuisastic to be in the video too.

We are to discuss when we are all free and see if weekends are good for filming.

Audition Day

The Auditions didnt go to plan. We did not have anyone show up to our auditions, but i put this down to poor advertising.

We need;
. Dancers 
. 5 man band
. Drummer
. Bassist
. Guitarist
. Lead singer
. Keyboard player 

 One of the members is going on holiday this week and some of the band members dont attend this college so this would mean we would have to have a day where we are free to allow to record the song as well as give them time to practice the song. If this does not go to plan, then we would take one of the karaoke versions and get a friend of ours Sam, to record the vocals.

Permission to use Karaoke versions

For our back up plan and to save time, Chloe messaged a couple of youtube uploaders and asked them for permission to use the Karoake version of the song;

Here is the karaoke versions i looked at;

Audition Poster complete and Backup

Our audition poster is complete and we discussed the what we would do if the outcome isnt as successful.

With many auditions they can go either way, they can either have a great turn out, or they can have a poor turn out which is what we want to try and avoid. If we do not manage to successed in getting a full band together we came up with a back up plan. This was to ask permission to a youtube uploader and ask them if we can use their cover of the song, not the full song, just a karoake version and get our own vocals.

If this plan fails, then we will email HMV, their record label, and ask permission to use the song for educational purposes. Their is a band playing for a concert on Friday 14th October for the Pink Day charity event our college is holding. We are going to see if they can cover the song and ask if we can record them.

This is the completed Audition poster;

Song Discussion

The song we have chosen 'Do Wah Diddy - Mann Fred Man' was released in the 60's, therefore the music video is nothing that needs extream competition to create, also is not very popular among many people. Because we found that it could be a long process when it comes to asking for permission the original song, we decided on asking people who have done covers on youtube, and asked them if we can use their vesion.

We also discussed that we can hold auditions for the artists and extras.

Here is the first draft of the audition poster...

Location hunting

In the song we are doing, we noticed there is a narrative and we wanted to take this and use it in our music video. We would like to use streets in our home town, so we went onto google maps and looked at our street for the best location.

Location 2

Location 3

We all decided that Location 1 was the best location to film our music video. This die to the fact that the song was in the 60's, this meaning that the location needs to be quite old, and suited for the time. The houses and space in location 3 would be excellent for this.

Thursday 1 December 2011

3 Pitches

Pitch Outline

After discussing the many songs we could cover, we all decided on 'Do wah diddy'. For this song we are going to get a karaoke version of the song.

Genre - 60's pop.
Band: ...........Cover of Manfred man
Setting: On the streets, auditorium.
Narrative eletment: Girls want boy, boy wants different girl

After much discussion we finally agreed to do the song "Do Wah Diddy"and find a cover of the song or karaoke. We wanted something funny and entertianing, something where we could have a lot of fast cutting editing, to keep the audiences attentio as well as quricky editing and a variety of camera angles.

Genre: 60's music
Track :Do Wah Diddy Cover
Dresscode: Boys: Leather jackets, shades. Girls: Skirts, blouses, make-up, heels, jewellery
Camera Shots: tilt up - to show the dress code of the female walking down the street, to show she is an important character.
long shot - to show the location, characters, dresscode, props etc, which allows the audience to see what is going on and
mid shot, close up, on an angle, follow shot,
Locations: streets
Actors: Boy - Ben Garner Girls- Chloe Berry Jasmine Hartley, Chloe.Mclaughlin

Here are the story boards for this idea:

For the Do Wah Diddy cover, we made a narrative ussing the lyrics. We made it realistic by added realism with the music video. The male character is surrounded by girls who are trying to impress him but the girl who walks down the street is all natural and seems she doesnt need to impress. She attracts the male characters attention,and the other girls become jealous.

The fun element is that they will be people singing to the camera and possibably dancing in the street that would look like normal people.

Monday 21 November 2011


We have all got into groups. My group consists of three students;
Me – Gaynor Young
Melissa Berry
Chloe Berry
I  believe this is good group. I chosen to work with Melissa because we have worked together in media practical tasks. We work well together and share similar ideas and thoughts on the way in which things work in front of the camera and what does not.
Chloe and myself however have never worked together. This can be known as a good thing as Chloe brings good skills and new ideas for the group. This is good as it will open other ideas in the group other than mine and Melissa’s.  

Sunday 20 November 2011

Looking at Music Videos from VH1 for Camera angles/shot inspiration/ideas

Today we looked at music videos from VH1 made from 1996-2001. We didnt find much of the camera work and editing useful, some camera tricks and uses looked interesting and would be good to use, but the videos that we looked at where too fast, modern and not related to our style.

Our music video being a 60's on take needs us to look at videos that have that sort of style around that era.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Ten Steps to success - Making a music Video for A Level

1) Planning: Planning gives the whole group a clear understanding of what they are filming the day they film. It also speeds up the whole filming operation.

2) Groups: What should you find about potential group members? When in the group what should you do to help coordinate?

All members in the groupd should be organised, motivated, determined to complete the whole music video with success. All jobs should be shared equally, and fair to everyone. Everyone should have contact details to one another; mobile numbers, facebook, msn, email addresses ect. Share each others strengh and weaknesses, so everyone is comfortable with their role and do a good job of it! We should work together with Schedules and planning as well as our blogging making sure we are up to date.

3.) Tracks: What should you not do? Why? What tracks are better to work with?

When picking a song to make a music video for the main things we should not do is;
. Choose a popular song - This will make the music video extreamely hard to make as it will be compared to the original.
. Choose an original song without asking for permission off the artist - This can cause copyright issues.

Our brief is to promote an artist with no recognition when it comes to CD covers, magazines or photoshoots ect.

4.) Pitch: What benefits are there from preparing a pitch?

A pitch shows us a variety of gendres we can do, but also shows us what we can and can not use, it also lets us see the different ideas that the group as, to see which is the most possable as well as looking at the best ideas and combining them together.

5.) Viewing: After looking at other videos for ideas you should get a sense of what NOT to do. What pitfalls should be avoided?

When watching other student videos we were able to see what is effective and what is not. When watching the videos we noticed things that we should try and avoid, such as;
. Over done lip syncing.
. Not in time with the song.
. None matching narratives.
. Un needed miss-en-scene.
Doing things like this will make our music video a failure and less appealing to the audience.

Using a hand held camera would only suite certain music genres, to suite that certain style of the video.

6.) Planning and Shooting: What is important about timescale?

Getting the best out of the time you have and using it wisley. Keep a strong schedule and sticking to it and meeting deadlines. Along side of making time for filming also make time for editing the footage you've shot.  You need to make time to shoot plenty of footage, sticking with the storyboard. This will save lots of time and give you a good understanding of what you have to film next.

7.) Why Storyboard?

Storyboarding is important as it lets you know exactly what you need;
. Camera shot
. Angle
. Location
. Who is in it
. Props 
. Lighting
. Sound

They also helps when editing, if there is a colour filter needed and shot duration. They also acts as a timescale as they;
. Help to complete tasks.
. Keep up to date.
. See what needs to be done.
. What needs re-doing.
. What needs editing.

8.) Checklist: What should you check before and during shooting?

Before going to a location before filming, we need to check; 
. If wehave all the equipment.
. Make sure the battery is charged, plus a spare.
. Have your tape that is labeled yours.
. Check you have tripod.
. Shoe for the camera to stand on the tripod.

When leaving location or leave from filming make sure you have all of your footage and you are happy with it, and make sure you've packed up all your equipment before you leave.

9.) Why shoot cutaways?

Cutaways should be shot because not only does it keep the audience interested and engaged, but it shortens the editing time, and also sometimes makes them more effective than the editing version. Also allows breaking up performance and narrative to balance out the variety of visuals.

10.) Editing: What should you do when downloading footage?

When downloading footage, save it in a folder in the right location on the computer, check that everything is all there. This will ensure that your footage is always there to use when editing.

11.) Are effects important?

Yes, i effects are important when editing depending on the genre. If you have a very upbeat and fast pacing song, then bright colours and colour filters will be effective as well as any shining effects to make it look glamorous or stylish. Effects also keep the audience interested as well making the music video less boring.

13.) How useful are cutaways in this process?

They help to keep the video going, they keep the audience engaged and keep the narrative going. It allows to see the story, performance and to see the locations, characters etc in different camera angles which also allow the audience to become more interested and makes it less boring.

14.) Why would you use lighting and filters?

Lights and filters create atmosphere and effects. They help create mood as well as keeping with the style of the music video. It also shows the time of day to set the scene. Blue filters give the music video a dark atmosphere and would probably be used in a metal genre such as a video from Evanessence to give it that dark gothic feel. Red is used for a pop genre of a video about love. Lighting such as natural light shows the video was outside and looks natural.

15.) Is there a set rule about transitions?

The transitions must fit the style of the video. If its a 60's style video the transitions can be funky and stylised to entertain and fit its conventions. The transitions also help to make the narrative move along as well as moving to the next sequence of events.

16.) Feedback: Do you need anyone else's opinion?

Yes, feedback is good when editing and creating music videos, this is because not only do they show other peoples opinions, but also show you what you need to improve on or add to your videos to get a wider audience, as it is improving them for the best.

Friday 7 October 2011

CD Covers - Bad

Sometimes artists have CD covers that do not match the genre or anything to do with the song. Sometimes colours get over used, the cover is too crowded, over use of design, the picture is not correct, mise-en scene, too much writing or the font is too large or too small.

Here is one example of a album cover that does not fit the genre or songs.

Monie Love - Down to Earth

I think this is a bad cover for a 'hip hop' album cover. I think it is more 'hippy' and too colourful for this genre. The girl in the photo does not represent 'hip hop' to the full. The baggy jumper does work, however i don't think the hat does. I also think the cartoon flowers do not represent 'hip hop' either.

CD Covers - Good.

In this session i looked on the internet and researched many Covers artists of different genre of music use. I noticed that Colour has a huge impact when it comes to the different genres of music. Here are a few covers i looked at;

Genre - Pop, Pop Rock

Demi Lovato - Don't Forget

Demi has used Two colours Red and black for the writting and one picture of herself alone. As you can see she has used a guitar as a prop in this photograph with connects with her genre of 'Rock'. She has chosen to wear plan clothes that are both 'Rock and Pop'. The colours she has chosen are mixed and create a good sence of the type of music she has written. This cover is fantastic for the genre she used.

Genre - Alternative Rock, emo, pop punk

Paramore - Riot

Paramore have a mixed genre of music on thier album 'Riot'. Again, same as Demi Lovato they have only used two colours of the same 'Red and Black' theme, however they have no pictures of the band on the cover. This cover gives all a mix of rock and emo. The word 'Riot' itself shows something that is disturbed - this could be emo, also Rock. The way the word is repeared in all directions of the cover can be the punk side of things.

Genre - Country   

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a country singer. In her cover she is looking beautiful and posing with a guitar. This guitar instantly shows the viewer that she plays a acoustic guitar and sings. It looks to be in a home environment as we can see the lamp. Home symbolizes close to the heart. Theres no place like home. So it shows that the songs in this album have come from her heart. Overal this cover if a nice cover and is excellent to show the audience that she plays the guitar. However it does not show them that the album is country related.

Genre - Hip Hop

Styles P - Super Gangster

This is a good 'Hip hop' cover as it shows in the mise'en'scene. He is dressed in a cap, hoodie and has the streets of america behind him. This shows a sense of being street wise and just being plain ganster. This is a fantastic way to represent hip hop and rap music.

Genre- Southern rock, alternative rock, garage rock revival

Kings of Leon - Only By Night

I think for this CD cover, kings of leon has concentrated more on matching the design with the name of the album cover more than they have matching it with thier genre of music. As we can see they have used a part of all four band members face plus using an owl. Owls are nocturnal animals and come out at night. Hence the album name 'Only By The Night'. They have used one basic cover to fill the picture. It is dark, which also matches the theme of 'night time'.

Genre - Pop rock, dance pop, electropop

Selena Gomez - When The Sun Goes Down

Selena Gomez here has embrassed the look of all the genres. I think that there is an element of all Pop rock, dance pop, electropop in this album cover. She has used very light colours and nothing too bright. Although there is a hint of femininity within the picture with the colours Pink.

Genre - Souls, blues, pop

Adele - 21

As we have chosen an Adele song to use for the music video we think that this is the best inspiring CD cover we can work off. Adele is very soulful and sings beautiful songs about how life can effect one another and how people feel. As we can view from the Cover, adele has used a very basic black and white theme with just a dingle picture of herself in it. I think this is excellent for us to use as insiration as it is not too bright, colourful or over done and is not too heavy.