Thursday 1 December 2011

3 Pitches

Pitch Outline

After discussing the many songs we could cover, we all decided on 'Do wah diddy'. For this song we are going to get a karaoke version of the song.

Genre - 60's pop.
Band: ...........Cover of Manfred man
Setting: On the streets, auditorium.
Narrative eletment: Girls want boy, boy wants different girl

After much discussion we finally agreed to do the song "Do Wah Diddy"and find a cover of the song or karaoke. We wanted something funny and entertianing, something where we could have a lot of fast cutting editing, to keep the audiences attentio as well as quricky editing and a variety of camera angles.

Genre: 60's music
Track :Do Wah Diddy Cover
Dresscode: Boys: Leather jackets, shades. Girls: Skirts, blouses, make-up, heels, jewellery
Camera Shots: tilt up - to show the dress code of the female walking down the street, to show she is an important character.
long shot - to show the location, characters, dresscode, props etc, which allows the audience to see what is going on and
mid shot, close up, on an angle, follow shot,
Locations: streets
Actors: Boy - Ben Garner Girls- Chloe Berry Jasmine Hartley, Chloe.Mclaughlin

Here are the story boards for this idea:

For the Do Wah Diddy cover, we made a narrative ussing the lyrics. We made it realistic by added realism with the music video. The male character is surrounded by girls who are trying to impress him but the girl who walks down the street is all natural and seems she doesnt need to impress. She attracts the male characters attention,and the other girls become jealous.

The fun element is that they will be people singing to the camera and possibably dancing in the street that would look like normal people.

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