Sunday 4 December 2011

What we have so far, editing screenshots.

The weather was a little breezy and the season is perfect with the falling of the leaves, shows as a connotation of the couples love dying and gives a sense of meloncoly.

Here we have zoomed in on Kerry from a distance as we have set the camera from a distance at the beginning of a path. The zoom on Kerry looks really good as we havent got the camera in front of her face and allows us to zoom out and track her without having to have the camera hand held.

We have two different shots of Kerry walking along the pond. We have panned down on Kerry to show her reflection in the pond and then she walks along the pond in which we cut to a close up of her feet walking along and back to the reflection of her walking. I got the idea of the close up of her feet walking along the pond from the music video My Immortal by Evanescence. (Insert gif here of that part of the video)

Here we got the idea that we will shoot this agian and have her and her boyfriends reflection and he will go out of shot and we will disolve this to show that he as faded away, he isnt there anymore.

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