Friday 16 September 2011

The Best And Worst Genres To Work With.




Pop and Rock are most likley to have a better turn out when making a music video. This also depending on the narrative. You can use both hard and soft rock, however soft rock can be difficult in terms of editing.

Many great Rock music videos such as;
. Queen        - Bohemian Rhapsody
. Airosmith   - Dream On 
. Pink Floyd - Emily 

This is one of the first music videos to be released. A lot of editing has been used throught the video, however it also shows you the dress code in which should be used in the genre too! This song has 'beats', therefore a great song to use when making a music video as you can use cuts whilst filming.

Pop Videos

This pop song is a perfect example of a great music video. However for my music video this song is a bad idea for me. I will not be able to use a song as great as this, as people will compare it to the original.

Classical/ Slow Power Ballads


There are many slower power ballads specially from the 80's that are great and successfull, however pulling it off is the hardest to do, there are not many editing skills you can use to make the video more fun and exiting. However the ones that have been successfull are most to the likes of Celine Dion who had big budgits. Songs such as;

 It's All Coming Back To Me Now -
My Heart Will Go On -
Eyes Wide Open  -

Although the song 'My Heart Will Go On' is a known famous song, it gained the popularity through the famous movie 'Titanic'. Most of the clips from this music video are from the movie. This meaning not many effects had to be used apart from editing.

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