Saturday, 28 January 2012


The programme we will be using is Adobe Premier Pro. This is a great editing software which allows us to easily put together our video and giving us access to lots of different effects. I've used this programme before when making a ''movie opening sequence'' so i will easily pick up how to access things whilst editing.

We managed to get a video from beginning to end. A lot of it needed work doing to it but by this time we had a rough idea of what we will be working off. We have put the videos in order to how we want them. We asked our teacher if he liked the layout and what he thinks. He suggested a few things that will help us get our marks up.

Here are a few screen shots during our process of editing:

When editing this piece of footage, we included a crossfade transition to move from one video to another. We have chosen to use this transition at the beginning of the video. We are crossfading from the scene on the bed to the scene where she is walking past the wind turbines.

This screen shot shows that we are respresenting continuity editing. This part of the music video is from Towneley Hall besides the poppies. We filmed from all different directions so we could do this.
We needed to cut parts of the video up to make it work and rearrange the pieces of the footage to match one another.

This is still at the poppy location and showing that we filmed from different angles. We changed from the floor to sitting upon the statue. This gave us LOTS to work from when cutting back and fourth to the location.

On this screenshot we are Synching the video with the audio of Chloe 'playing the guitar'.

This screenshot shows us synching Chloes lip movements with the audio.


This monday we imported all the footage we taken from the weekend and uploaded it  onto the computer. We cropped all the pieces of video we think we can use and saved them into a folder.
We will be keeping the tapes for backup in case we loose any of the footage on the computer, or decide we want to use some of the footage we did not save onto the computer.

Filming Day Four - Chloe's Home

As we were running out of time to film, and we needed to do some filming of Chloe playing the guitar, she volunteered to take the guitar home and filmed herself and show us monday.

Chloe decided to film herself on the window self alone playing the guitar where she mimed playing the song, as she has no experience with playing this instrument. She copied the version of ''Adele - Hiding my Heart'' onto her MP3 player and pretended to play to the music. She did several run throughs so when it came to editing we had plenty to work with and get the synching correct.  She also worked from many angles to give us a varierty of shots.

Mid Shot

Close up of guitar neck.

Close up of the guitar

Filming Day Three - On the way back locations

On the way back from the bridal shop, Melissa's mum asked us if there is anywhere we would like to visit? We all agreed that seen as the whether has calmed down and we are getting the opotunity, we will take it. So we brainstormed locations we could visist.

 Seen as it was the festive month, there were many Christmas lights and trees that decorated the side of the roads,pubs,bnb's and homes. It was suggested that we could film besides a large Christmas Tree, decorated with colourful lights. On the way we drove past a local sunday school building that looked like a church, and with us just been filming outside a bridal shop, we thought when editing we could add it to part of the narrative. The more we have the better it is for the all of us.  So we filmed Chloe walking from the doors to the camera. We did this twice, once when she did not sing and again when she did sing. When watching this back we noticed that the camera footage is not at its best quality with it being dark, so it may be best not to use the footage singing, but we may be able to use the footage without lip synching. We decided that as the scene finnished we could pan the camera so it works better for the next transition we use when editing.
When we got to the christmas tree, we did film around it however, it was not a good location to film as it was not to roomy for different angles, and it was not a place public would way by. It was situated in the corner of two walls in a park. We are not sure if this footage would work well in the music video.

However we filmed Chloe siting on the swing set alone, depending on the lights from the road side to gave us as much light as possible. Again, with this footage being a little unrealistic, dark and random. But we will see what we can do whilst editing.

Overal today has been successful as we have LOTS of footage to work from, with using so many locations and areas of lancashire. We are really happy with what we have and hoping for the best when editing, but as a whole we are feeling rather confident. Although a lot of our work today had been improved, we are still happy.

Filming Day Three - Bridal Shop

Melissa's mum picked us up from Towneley Hall when we had finnished and suggested that we could film outside a bridal shop. This could add to our narrative. Is Chloe engaged? Did she marry? Was it just a dream? So as we had the transport we all got warm in the car and drove to the location.

The Bridal Shop we went to film

 Me and Melissa decided to stand on the other side of the road to film. We had a little trouble filming this scene because it was tea time - meaning we had lots of traffic to work around. It seemed like a naturally busy road. Where me and Melissa situated the camera, other people at the side of us looked to have been working on the building we were outside of, therefore this was trouble tackling with filming and trying not to get in the way. Along side of all this, it was really dark and only had the street lights and shop lights to depend on for the camera.
 Whilst filming we zoomed in and zoomed out, along with a pan up to show the wedding dress in the top window and another idea was to shoot Chloe looking in the window, and them walking away.
Its a possiblilty that we could use this footage, however we neeed to annalyse it properly and see if we can fit it into the music video whilst editing. 

Filming Day Three - Towneley Hall

Today, we went back to Towneley Hall to replace the clips we did with Kerry with Chloe. It was a lot better today though as we was not on a time schedule. We decided that we ould do plenty of narrative shots (with poppies) and singing shots. Also, towneley has quite a few places which are excellent for filming.
Towneley Hall

To start off we did shots around the hall, of chloe just walking towards the camera singing the introduction of the song. we chosen a path for her to work with and me and melissa moved the camera around this area of the hall to get a variety of different shots and angles for the video. Doing this also give chloe the choice to when she wanted to look into the camera or not. With filming the same shot over and over it also allowed me and Melissa to do different camera techniques such as;

.Field of View

The shot we think we are definatly going to use for the music video is the first one we did. We zoomed into Chloes feet and then as she began to walk zoomed out and panned us to her face. At this point she had began to sing to the lyrics. As we zoomed out it also gave the audience a better view of the mis-en-scene, and showed them she is alone and upset. To add to this effect, it was cold, raining and windy on the day of shooting these scenes. This can show the way the character feels and can relate the mes-en-scene with the character.

After filming this scene a couple of times, we moved on futher up to the large pond. We thought it would be great to see chloe walking around this pond, as it was a nice place, can be viewed as a romantic picnic place.

The Pond.

We thought that it would look effective if we used the pond to film a long shot. So we situated Chloe at one side of the pond and the camera at the other. This allowing the mis-en-scene to be the fully stretch of the pond.

To start we just followed chloe walking along the pond following her reflection in the water. Showing that she is thinking about 'him'. The second time we zoomed into Chloe and filmed her singing to the song. The only thing that was a problem whilst filming this was the time it taken. With me and Melissa being a far distance away from Chloe, it was extreamly difficult to communicate with her. Chole was struggling to hear the instructions that came from me and melissa. In the end we ended up ringing her mobile phone and asking her to stand in the position we needed her too! However, again this was still a slow prossess as we could not have the phone in the shot, so whilst chloe was doing as instructed she then improvised what to do, therefore leaving it up to me and Melissa to follow her with the camera. This was a little bit of a struggle however, it gave us a good challenge. We could use these clips filmed today depending on how good they are, but i think we will as the majority of them look promising.

We moved on from the front of the hall and moved to the side near a memorial statue. This then inspired us. Why not give ''him'' an occupation? The momrial staue had been covered with poppies as it had been 'Rememberence Day' - representing respect for the men who have died for our country. So we filmed the poppy reefs and shot Chloe acting and singing around them. We tracked Chloe walking around the small pond across from the statue with a track and pan up, simular to the first set of footage we filmed on the path, however this time she sang the second chorus she now had learnt! We again posistioned the camera around different parts of the statue to give us a variety of shots to use for when we are editing. We thought that it would be good to film around this area for the narrative. We all planned that we wanted Chloe to walk towards the statue singing and then drop to her knees crying. So instantly we changed our 'thoughts' of ''him'' from moving on from her to have died whilst fighting for our country. The good thing about this idea is that we do not need to change any of the previous filming it all still fits the new story line. So for this me and melissa inprovised many shots, angles and techniques to film this scene. We filmed this many times so we could have continuity whilst editing.

We decided to call it a day due to the whether and we all needed to stay as healthy as possible for filming day 4 and editing. On the way back the rain had calmed and we saw an empty bench facing the pond we previously shot Chloe on. We agreed that this again would look nice, simular to the backgarden footage we previously filmed. Also, we did one last shot of Chloe walking out of Towneley Hall. This can be extra footage on the music video to show that perhaps they both used to visit there on the weekends?

Filming Day Two - In the Home Shots

Today we went to Melissa's home to film the shots in her sisters bedroom. We filmed these shots for the narrative part of the music video. This was the character in her bedroom, looking at a picture of the two in her bedroom.

To try and get the synching correct, we played the cover on a laptop and chloe mimed the words. However, we found this did not go to well, sometimes it showed chloe over acting whilst singing, so we decided to only use little of these clips. Also whilst filming, Chloe decided to look into the camera to sing to the audience. We thought this was good because in many music videos we see the artist looking into the camera. We gave Chloe a picture to hold. We thought that we could use this picture to symbolise the pain of not having ''him'' there anymore, and she is reminising on the good times they had together.

Whilst filming we positioned the camera in different spaces around the bed to have different angles and lighting. This also gave us more to work off when editing.

We also had the opotunity to film in Melissa's neighbours back garden. The garden view is made up of acres of fields and sheep. We all agreed that this view would work beautifully for our video.
The only problems we had with this, was the neighbours dog, and chleo getting distracted from singing. So we are not sure if we can get clips from the clips, however if we can we will because the more shots we have the better it is.

Overall this session was useful, and gave us more footage to edit. However, due to Chloe not learning the lyrics from beginning to end, and over acting, especially whilst singing the lyrics she did not learn, we could not use these clips in the music video as it makes it look unrealistic. So, because of this, n filming day three we need to try and have as many different clips as possible to give us more scenes, and before we do we needs to make sure chloe knows all the lyrics this time.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Filming Day One - Windturbines

As we planned on filming day one we went to the windturbines. The windturbines are situated outside of town, with lands of grassy land surrounding them. As we wanted it to be, it was a cold, windy day and the wind turbines were fully functional. We filmed all non-singing shots, allowing us to show that the character is reminising on old memories, and that the location she is in are bringing good thoughts back. However, we decided that we wanted to film this shot with sadness as it is a missing piece of her that has gone.

We used different angles whilst filming this day. It gave us a good combination on the surrounding environment and a variety of shots to choose from when editing.

Whilst filming this we got ideas from the song lyrics. For example in the song there are lyrics that say ''Wake up to you face against the morning sun''. Well, at this time the sun was beautifully setting, so we decided to film the sun setting over the shoulder of Chloe.

As time wwent on it started to become to dark to film. However on the way back home we drove on the hills and noticed that all the town lights had turned on. We thought that this would be a good shot to film for the video before it become any darker, therefore did a over shoulder shot. We thought that this shot would go well with the songs narrative, as she is looking over the town, knowing 'he' is out there somewhere.

Planning for the new idea

We began to plan a new story board with chloe. To make the planning shorter, we decided to use the same ideas as we did in the first plan.

Filming day 1 - The first day of filming we decided to go to the windmills. For this scene we decided that we want to have some non singing shots us on the hills. This to help us relate to the characters emotions. It will be cold, windy and bare up there, so this will add to the effect of showing the characters emotions.

Filming day 2 - We planned that we want to have shots of Chloe singing in a bedroom. Melissa kindly said we could use her home for this location. This was a great, easy and reliable location, giving us a good oppotunity to have some singing shots, including the  narritive.

Filming day 3 - This day we will be going to towneley and re filming the shots with chloe. This was an easy session as we had once before already filmed these shots. But it gave us more time to film  variety of mise-en-scene for our music video.

Filming Day 4 - The last filming will be a ''on the stage'' performance. Will have decided that chloe will play the guitar whilst singing to an audience. This will sum up our music video.

Shot Schedule

We have managed to get a lot of help with filming the music video as Melissa's mum has told melissa she is happy to transport is whenever she is able too.
So for this reason we decided we should film at the Wind turbines first, as they are the furthest away from the rest of our location shots and we can not walk there by foot.