The coventions in our music video were not really different in a way in which we made it 'new'. As we used Adele as our inspiration, our music video conventions were very simular to those of another artist, eg. Adele.
We showed these conventions through the narative, artist and setting.
When planning and filming our music video, we used Chloe (the artist) as the character, this helped us when doing the narrative. We had Chloe acting her emotions. This shows the artists skills assets to lift the sucess of the video's materiel. Many artists such as Whitney Huston do this, they involve thier song around themselves and they are often based on relationships, family or having fun. She takes the lead role and performs the whole video. Along side of this we have the song itself as it adds extra meaning to the video too. The song explains the filmed scenes and helps the audience keep on track with what is happening thoughout the video and why the artist/actor is responding the way they are infront of the camera. This also allows the audience to have a closer connection with the song and artist when relating to both the lyrics and emotions. When they have connected to the video it is also good for promotional reasons. This being when one friend likes what they see and feel, they pass it onto their friends and so on.
We used the idea of touching the audience and allowing them to relate to our video when using the poppies. They symbolise rememberance and death or the loved ones who went to the army to fight. Many families could relate to this message therefore creating a more meaningful and deeper message. The coventions for the army are often used for choir music videos or celebrities showing thier respect through charities. Also this year the army mens wives have all joined together and created a choir. The do this as it has a huge success rate from the public as it shows a huge amount of respect and again - huge amounts of people can relate to it.
When it comes to the music video, we used a variety of conventions. We used Singing Shots, non Singing Shots and Performance Shots. Using all these made our music video a come to life, prevented it from being boring and allowed us to not only experimentrt with all the different types of shots but made it a lot more entertaining and interesting to watch.
When planning we thought it would be best and more interesting to use the black and white effect. We used these to do two things.
1). Show the difference between singing shots and non singing shots. (B&W - None singing)
2). Seperate the story line from the song, but keeping them closley linked.
We found that the audience liked this like this after reading their feedback.
Because we experimented and used different styles thoughout the music video, not only did it make it more interesting and something better to watch, it also gave the audience something to judge and decided whether they like the idea or not. But as said above, it was well liked by the audience as they explained it was very powerful.
After the feedback it made us realise that using the conventions you see on successful music videos. We found that when the audience were critical, everything used in a music video is expected for expample;
We have produced two styles of advertisement/promotional material, a Magazine Poster and a CD Digi Pack. We kept a constant style throughout. When looking at other posters, especially adeles, we liked the idea and chosen to get our inspiration from this picture i found on google;
This is our design below
This is our complete CD digi pack.
Whilst filming we used many locations to shoot the music video. We used a varaity of surroundings such as bedrooms, outdoolocations in countryside mise-en-scene to keep with the style and the story throughout the filming. The reason for using the bedroom shots were to indicate in was in a home, her comfort zone and that she was alone. The bedroom is normally where a woman would be found crying alone and behind closed doors.
When filming outside we used the hill tops that surround the town. We chosen to film here because it is not busy with traffic, dog walkers are allowed and it has beautiful surrounding. The hills where also windy which also added to that sad and lonely feeling with the coldness giving a melancholy atmosphere.
Also in the town there is a local attraction named 'Towneley Hall' which is surrounded by aches of land. They have a memorial which was great for the idea of the poppies and the story of the loved one who died in the army.
As we figured the clothing we used in the music video was very simplistic.
. For the outdoor shots she worn a black coat, blue scarf, jeans and brown boots.
. For the indoor shots she worn a simple red blouse, jeans and a necklace.
. For the performance shots, a pictured white top with a jacket style top, necklace, jeans and brown boots.